Hermosa Accessory Dwelling Units Survey

The City of Hermosa Beach is developing an ordinance regarding Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs, also known as granny flats, second units) and is seeking your input.

The State of California is facing a state-wide housing crisis, with rising housing costs, and a shortage of affordable housing options. One of the State’s solutions to this crisis is to encourage accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and junior accessory dwelling units (JADUs) as a method of increasing the housing supply and has passed laws requiring all cities to allow an ADU on residentially zoned lots that contain a single-family residence.

Cities may adopt an ordinance of its own that includes reasonable standards for ADUs so long as the ordinance is consistent with the intent of the State law. Without a local ordinance, the city is required to process ADU applications per standards identified in the State law (http://www.hcd.ca.gov/policy-research/AccessoryDwellingUnits.shtml).

The Planning Commission had an initial discussion regarding ADUs at their May 15, 2018 meeting, and discussion of the meeting can be viewed here http://hermosabeach.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=6&clip_id=4697 The survey results will be shared with the Planning Commission at its upcoming public hearing in June.

Please complete this brief survey by June 5, 2018 to share your opinions.

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Do you think the City should:
Are you a current Hermosa Beach resident?
Do you currently own residential property in Hermosa Beach?
Would you be interested in building an ADU on your property?
If ADUs were built in Hermosa Beach, would you be interested in living in one?
Would you be okay if your neighbor built an ADU
The City’s minimum lot size is 4,000 square feet. What is an appropriate minimum lot size to accommodate an ADU?
For residential lots that are 8,000 square feet or more, the City currently allows a maximum 640 square foot 2nd unit building. What is an appropriate maximum size building to accommodate an ADU?
Should ADUs be required to be architecturally compatible with the primary structure?